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Fertility Services Overview
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Fertility consultation

Fertility consultation covers all fertility-related issues and personalised plan and discussion on your fertility-related questions.

One-stop Diagnostics

A service to check the fertility potential and has tailor-made consultant advice on your natural fertility

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IUI, IVF, ICSI Treatment

This service is bespoke. Every couple will have an in-depth consultation and plan for treatment. 

Recurrent Miscarriage

We provide private care with evidence-based management, personalised approach and tender loving care.

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IVF Analysis Clinic

It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. IVF analysis clinic gives attention to every detail in your previous treatment cycles.

Fertility Preservation

Store your eggs for future use, or store your ovaries for future. book an appointment to speak with our team.

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Donor Sperms or Eggs

Donor egg is a treatment option when a woman is not able to produce good quality and good numbers of eggs.

Ovarian Tissue freezing

Ovarian tissue freezing is a new technology potentially could be offered for young girls who are at risk of premature ovarian failure.

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We provide comprehensive consultation and support for surrogacy treatment. Surrogacy has clinical, legal, counselling and financial implications.

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